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A Collective of Women

Updated: May 26

group of women outside having a picnic

The notion of a group of women, doing work they love, in support of one another has always been an interesting concept to me. Like most women, I've spent far too long being put into competitive, unsupported situations that feel threatening and scary. They feel isolating and lonely. They are isolating and lonely.

And despite efforts to connect to other people, certain environments, especially where women are not allowed to be fully human, actively prevent connection. They prevent authenticity. Because if we cannot be human, with all those messy emotions, then how could we ever be authentic? And the truth is, women are not typically supported in a quest for authenticity and in my opinion, that is because if we are authentic, we have boundaries, we give ourselves permission to say "no" to things we don't want to do, and have self-compassion and empathy for others when we make mistakes, fail, or simply can't meet an unrealistic expectation. In this frozen state in our nervous system, where we feel as though if we don't continue to take care of, do for, think for, feel for, any and everyone, they will leave us. When we have to be everything for everyone, we abandon ourselves. Separated and disconnected from our selves, is a far lonelier place to be.

The Holistic Hive was born out of the need to connect authentically by creating and holding space for women to be exactly what we are: gloriously human. It is a place where women from all walks of life choose to be together to love and support each other. Each of us does what we personally love for our own soul's nourishment but also work on behalf of the collective to help our sisters live their lives in safety and support.

Over time, you will begin to see the faces and stories of women joining the collective to bring their unique offerings to this space. It is my hope that you will find yourself welcome here. That you will see yourself reflected in the women here and want to bring your whole self to the collective.

But don't worry if you don't yet feel whole. We will help you to do that. That is our mission: By Women - For Women. That doesn't mean any of us know everything! What it means is that we are willing to sit by each other's side, to contribute to the honeycomb that nourishes us, and keep a light on for each other. That we are willing to embrace women's ways of knowing.

You're welcome here. This hive is yours.

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